Tuesday 19 July 2011

Keep Yourself Balanced and Happy

 Keep Yourself Balanced and Happy

It is very important to keep yourself balanced and happy. For this you can exercise on daily basis, meditate, get your home organized, enjoy your own company, get into a routine and take everything positively.

To keep yourself balanced and happy
you have to pay equal concentration to all the areas of your life and can feel inner sense of happiness and fulfillment. To keep yourself balanced and happy areas could range from career, family and friends, health, money to spiritual growth as well. This satisfaction automatically generates a sense of well being. If you follow the tips to keep yourself balanced and happy regularly then it would help you a lot in getting your life back in order.
  • Exercise on a daily basis
To keep yourself balanced and happy you can either go for a walk or gym and even exercising at your home can be equally beneficial. Swimming not only helps you in getting a sound body but also a sound mind. Exercising on daily basis along with a movie or good music will help you a lot in relaxing.
  • Meditate every morning
Meditating is all about observing your thoughts. It will help you in relaxing your mind and consequently balancing your life. You can do this in several ways for example sitting still for 10 minutes each day to keep yourself balanced and happy.
  • Get your home organized, as well as your life
To keep yourself balanced and happy live in an organized place which willreduce the stress level on a subconscious level. Take out time from your hectic routine and clean and maintain your home. For example giving a new look to your home entrance will make you feel good.
  • Enjoy your own company
Fall in love with your own being. Start enjoying your own self. To keep yourself balanced and happy adopt hobbies like reading books or writing. Write about your routine, feelings and future ambitions on regular basis. This will give you a sense of responsibility and accomplishment as well.
  • Get into a routine
Planning and fulfilling the planned tasks results in formation of habits. If you develop certain habits then it not only reduces loneliness but also helps in improving emotional strength.To keep yourself balanced and happy, get into a routine and make yourself an emotionally strong person.
  • What you think, is what you are
If you really want to maintain a balance in your life then never underestimate yourself. To keep yourself balanced and happy, believe in your abilities and always think of your own self as a happy individual. Because the day when you start thinking that you are not satisfied with your life depression comes along with it.
  • Turn negative things into positive
Thoughts become your actions and actions form your personality. So, to keep yourself balanced and happy all you need to do is to think positively and emphasize on positivity of life. Your life is in your control and you can turn any sad moment into a happy one if you want to, so start looking at the happy aspects of your life.
Life is too short to cry over the hassle created by other people. So concentrate on your own self and stay positive and happy.

Treat your Skin with Mango Delight

Treat your Skin with Mango Delight

Treat your Skin with Mango Delight

The one thing I like about summers in Pakistan is not the heat! Not the flowing sweat and obviously not the load shedding! But it’s the exotic sweetness and aroma of mangoes that almost everyone loves.
The scrumptious fragrance, the mouth-watering aroma, the tempting taste, the exotic sweetness is not only delicious for our taste buds but also for our skin. Yes Mango ensembles so many beauty secrets but not many people are aware of them. This soft juicy fruit can be amazing for your skin so this give your skin some mango treats for a younger and fresher looking skin.
Mangoes are rich in Vitamin A and contain powerful anti-oxidants, which helps in regeneration of skin cells. They are useful in restoring the elasticity of skin and prevent wrinkle formation. Besides, it also helps to shield the skin from clogged pores and sun damages.
Here are some recipes to treat your skin with Mango delight:
  • Mango Body Scrub: To make your body skin soft and supple, mash one mango, add a spoon of honey, two spoons of milk and half cup sugar. Blend the ingredients thoroughly and use this scrub while taking bath. Rub it vigorously all over your body and rinse with warm water for a kissable soft skin.
  • Raw Mango Astringent: For acne prone skin, boil some raw mangoes, without pealing them, in water and let it cool, use this solution on your face as a toner and get rid of acne.
  • Mango Face Cleanser: To remove sun damage and tanning, mix the pulp of mango with flour and honey to make a thick paste. Let it stay on your face for fifteen minutes and wash by scrubbing gently. Use it regularly to reduce summer tan.
  • Mango-Milk Face Mask for Normal skin: You would need peeled ripe mango, two spoons of whole milk, powdered almonds and crushed oats. Blend all these ingredients in a blender for exfoliating normal skin to reveal a healthy, glowing and soft skin.
  • Mango Pulp Face Mask for Oily Skin: Just wash your face in cold water and apply the smashed pulp of mango on it. Keep for 10 minutes and wash off.
  • Mango-Yoghurt Face Pack for Dry Skin: This face pack is a soothing and nourishing treat for sensitive and dry skin. Just mix the pulp of mango with six spoons of yoghurt. Apply it on face for fifteen minutes and wash off.
  • Douse into the mango fun and enjoy your summer with the confidence of flawless glowing skin! Plus don’t forget to refresh yourself with chill ‘Kachi Lassi’ after eating mangoes. Enjoy!

Sunday 10 July 2011

5 Foods that Keep You Thin

You don't need fancy plans or complicated point systems to be thin. All you need to do is make smart food choices, watch your portion sizes and stay active.

It's true: Apples can help you stay thin. (Thinkstock)

Apples are a good source of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber not only contributes to a healthy digestive system and reduced cholesterol, but it also benefits smart eaters by yielding no calories while keeping them satisfied.