Tuesday 13 September 2011

Facial Skin Care Tip 2011-12

Some women and teens can confuse or some may get excited with the physical transformation that comes with putting on makeup, with a personal transformation, but this is not the true way. When women and teens feel beautiful inside, they need to be more attractive outside. Makeup won’t do this.
Get beautiful facial Skin by using the perfect Skin Care Products for Acne
When you’re struggling with serious acne, then you have to be serious about your skin care. Ordinary or normal skin care products contains hydrogen peroxide, alcohols and plenty of perfumes (such as camphor or eucalyptus)with good fragrance that may irritate the skin without putting a stop to the ugly face. Acne does more impact our life in society; it also impacts on our self confidence. Bad acne can also cause skin scarring (can be erased by the laser resurfacing technique).

For the original acne-prone skin care, a pharmaceutical product that is created by the dermatologist with well tested is to be used, for the serious and real life skin care for solving life based problems like acne. The acne fighter lotion usually contains alcohol, perfumes, color and some sort of ingredients which causes some sort of irritation to the skin without truly treating it. More over, there are some real acne medicines that work by their own mechanism of action on the skin.
Look for your favorite skin care products for the skin that are prone to acne. These skin care line are especially highly recommended by make-up artists and beauty professionals.

It is to be remembered that your skin needs to breathe sufficiently. It is essential to keep the skin natural so skin makeup should be minimal as necessary and keep going for special occasions like parties.

Use the mirrors with high quality lighting are mandatory for thorough examination of your skin – if you’ve neglected your skin Beauty tip no 1 is to take a close look at it and try to take a necessary step like makeup removal who use makeup excessively. This is very true to do in the summer, where the excess heat may cause problems faster, if any makeup was left on the face for an extended period of time.

If your face becomes dry commonly: follow this beauty this beauty tip, apply a rich moisturizing mask before you shower. The moist heat helps the mask plump up fine lines and creases temporarily. Also apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly, a type of moisturizer to your lips. After the shower, use a damp washcloth and gently massage off both treatments, and follow the usage of naturally made loofah for natural, healthy glow and fairness to face skin.
But for and oily skin: Usage of the toner before and after the shower, before, to clean off any oil that appears on the skin during sleep, and again after, to remove any oil that has formed due to heat of the warm water.

If you have combination skin, only apply toner masks to the “T” area on your face. Stay away from lighter skin tone or white cover-ups. You can get free samples to try; samples are available for all skin tones.
Hair Care Tip
A secret beauty hair care tip to prevent hair breakage during sleep for all types of hair. The spilt ends have a tendency to get caught on the rough surfaces and the cotton pillows we sleep and your tossing and turning will pull the caught pieces on the cotton pillow out of your head. So it is strongly recommended that you either wrap your hair up in silk or satin scarves during night or try to sleep on silk or satin pillows. This hair care tip is essential to prevent the hair loss.

Beauty tips on make up and skin care for teens and women are provided by “Indian Ethnics.com” for Indian and non-Indians. Here is a secret: when you are getting for a night on the town, try to use a foundation which is closest to your natural skin tone, and that foundation should be sure to blend it past your jaw line and across your neck so that it won’t look as though you’re wearing a mask. But in case of eye shadow, use a color slightly darker than your eyes.

Women Over 40 should do 2011-12

  • Avoid using sunscreen products to protect your skin from the damaging UV rays of the sun, because they speed up the skin aging process. If you are not habituated doing this, start now.
  • Use a natural cleansing agent that is suitable to skin pH and which is specially prepared for the delicate skin on the face.
  • have the practice exfoliate on regular basis.
  •   Don’t forget to moisturize your neck and upper chest area which brings your skin glow and shine.
  •   Avoid skin care products containing harsh chemicals; instead use natural skin care products that are gentler and also effective.
  •   take healthy and well-balanced diet.
  • keep yourself hydrated consuming the plenty of fluids like fresh, clean and sterilized drinking water.

These days the women over 40 are choosing natural skin care products rather than the products containing harsh chemicals. Try different natural skin care products to find some skin care products that work and suits best with your skin. Try to begin your new skin care by treating your skin with gentle care to make healthier, glowing, shiny skin at any age.

High Blood Pressure: All About Hypertension

What is High Blood Pressure?
When you have your blood pressure taken, your health care provider is measuring the pressure, or tension, that blood exerts on the walls of the blood vessels as it travels around the body. In a healthy person, this pressure is just enough for the blood to reach all the cells of the body, but not so much that it strains blood vessel walls.

Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).
· A typical normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg, or "120 over 80."
· The first number represents the pressure when the heart contracts.
· The second number represents the pressure when the heart relaxes.
· Blood pressure greater than 140/90 mm Hg is considered high.

Generally, blood pressure will go up at certain times - for instance, if you smoke a cigarette, win the lottery, or witness a car crash - and will return to normal when the stressful or exciting event has passed.
But when blood pressure is high all the time, the continuous increased force on blood vessel walls can damage blood vessels and organs, including the heart, kidneys, eyes, and brain.

The medical term for high blood pressure is hypertension.

Need to Know:
Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure
Blood travels through blood vessels much like water through a garden hose. The blood in the vessels is under pressure just like the water in a hose when the tap is turned on.
With each heartbeat more blood is pumped into the vessels - like turning up the tap - so the pressure rises. This is the systolic blood pressure, the first number in the blood pressure measurement, which is normally around 120.
Between heartbeats, while the heart is resting, the pressure in the arteries is lower. This is the diastolic pressure, second number in the blood pressure measurement, which is normally around 80.

Indication of high blood pressure
You can increase the pressure in a hose either by turning up the tap or by putting a crimp in the hose (that is, by narrowing the hose). In this same way, the blood pressure in blood vessels will rise if fluid flows more forcefully or if the arteries are narrowed.
Pressure in a hose can be regulated either by controlling the rate at which fluid passes through it or by widening it. Likewise, the pressure in the blood vessels can be controlled, with medications that act on the heart or blood vessels and with certain lifestyle modifications.

Need to Know:
Although high blood pressure can be extremely dangerous, it usually causes no symptoms - so many people don't even realize they have it. High blood pressure can only be detected with accurate and repeated measurements of a person's blood pressure. That's one reason why it's so important to have regular medical checkups.

Even though high blood pressure can be treated safely and effectively, only about one-quarter of people who have high blood pressure take the necessary steps to keep their blood pressure within a normal range.
There are three types of hypertension:
Primary hypertension (essential hypertension). This is high blood pressure for which no cause can be found. Most people with high blood pressure (90 to 95 percent) have this type of hypertension. Doctors suspect that a combination of lifestyle, diet, heredity, age, gender, race/ethnicity, hormone levels, and other factors all contribute to high blood pressure.
Secondary hypertension (non-essential hypertension). This is high blood pressure for which a definite cause can be found. This type of high blood pressure accounts for only 5 to 10 percent of all cases of hypertension. Some of these causes are temporary or controllable - for instance, pregnancy or the use of certain medications - while others are chronic conditions like hormonal diseases, kidney disease, or head injuries.
Isolated systolic hypertension (ISH). Older people are sometimes susceptible to another form of high blood pressure, called isolated systolic hypertension. In people with this condition, blood pressure is higher than normal when the heart beats, but returns to normal in between beats of the heart. The large difference in pressure can place additional strain on artery walls.
Nice To Know:
Q. If I do not feel any symptoms, is there still a problem?
A. Most people with high blood pressure do not experience any symptoms. The presence of symptoms, such as headache or blurry vision, usually indicates severe or long-standing hypertension. However, over time, uncontrolled high blood pressure causes significant damage to important organs including the heart, kidneys, brain, and eyes. In a number of cases, this damage can lead to death. This is why high blood pressure is sometimes referred to as "the silent killer."

Dengue is an acute fever caused by a virus

Dengue is an acute fever caused by a virus. It occurs in two forms:

1. Dengue Fever

2. Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever

Dengue fever is marked by the onset of sudden high fever, severe headache and pain behind the eyes, muscles and joints.

Dengue Haemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a more severe form, in which bleeding and sometimes shock occurs – leading to death. It is most serious in children. Symptoms of bleeding usually occur after 3-5 days of fever.

The high fever continues for five to six days (103 – 105 OF or 39- 40 OC). It comes down on the third or the fourth day but rises again. The patient feels much discomfort and is very weak after the illness.

Dengue spreads rapidly and may affect large number of people during an epidemic resulting in reduced work productivity, but most importantly causing the loss of lives.


Sudden onset of high fever

Severe headache (mostly in the forehead)

Pain behind the eyes which worsens with eye movement

Body aches and joint pains

Nausea or vomiting


Symptoms similar to dengue fever plus, any one of the following:

(1) Severe and continuous pain in abdomen;

(2) Bleeding from the nose, mouth and gums or skin bruising;

(3) Frequent vomiting with or without blood;

(4) Black stools, like coal tar;

(5) Excessive thirst (dry mouth)

(6) Pale, cold skin

(7) Restlessness, or sleepiness


There is no specific medicine for the treatment of the disease. However proper and early treatment can relieve the symptoms and prevent complications and death. Aspirin and Brufen should be avoided in dengue fever, as it is known to increase the bleeding tendency and also it increases the stomach pain. Paracetamol can be given on medical advice. If one or more signs of Dengue Haemorrhagic fever are seen, take the patient to the hospital immediately. Give fluids to drink while transferring the patient to the hospital.


(a) How dengue spreads?

Dengue is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito Aedes aegypti. The mosquito gets the virus by biting the infected persons. The first symptoms of the disease occur about 5-7 days after an infected bite.

There is no way to tell if a mosquito is carrying the dengue virus. Therefore, people must protect themselves from all mosquito bites.

(b) Where does the mosquito live?

The mosquito rests indoors, in closets and other dark places. Outside, they rest where it is cool and shaded. The female mosquito lays her eggs in water containers in and around homes, schools and other areas in towns or villages. These eggs become adult in about 10 days.

(c) Where does the mosquito breed?

Dengue mosquitoes breed in stored exposed water collections. Favoured breeding places are:

Barrels, drums, jars, pots, buckets, flower vases, plant saucers, tanks, discarded bottles, tins, tyres, water cooler, etc. and a lot more places where rain-water collects or is stored.


All efforts of control should be directed against the mosquitoes. It is important to take control measures to eliminate the mosquitoes and their breeding places. However, the efforts should be intensified before the transmission season (during and after the rainy season) and at the time of the epidemic.


Dengue mosquitoes bite during the daytime. Protect yourself from the bite.\

(1) Wear full sleeve clothes and long dresses to cover the limbs;

(2) Repellent – care should be taken in using repellents on small children and the elderly;

(3) Use mosquito coils and electric vapour mats during the daytime to prevent Dengue;

(4) Use mosquito nets – to protect babies, old people and others, who may rest during the day. The effectiveness of such nets can be improved by treating them with permethrin (pyrethroid insecticide). Curtains (cloth or bamboo) can also be treated with insecticide and hung at windows or doorways, to repel or kill mosquitoes.

(5) Protection of people sick with dengue – Mosquitoes become infected when they bite people who are sick with dengue. Mosquito nets and mosquito nets and mosquito coils will effectively prevent mosquitoes from biting sick people and help stop the spread of dengue


Mosquitoes which spread dengue live and breed in and around houses.

Drain water from coolers, tanks, barrels, drums and buckets, etc.;

There should be no water in coolers when not in use;

Remove from the house all objects, e.g. plant saucers, etc. which have water collected in them;

Remove water from refrigerator drip pans every other day;

All stored water containers should be kept covered all the time;

Discard solid waste and objects where water collects, e.g. bottles, tins, tyres, etc.


Dengue is a serious viral disease transmitted by the bite of the mosquito;

Dengue infection occurs in two forms: Dengue fever and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever;

Dengue fever is a severe flu like illness that affects older children and adults but rarely causes death;

Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a more severe form, in which bleeding and occasionally shock occur, leading to death, mostly in children;

Persons suspected of having dengue fever or DHF must see a doctor at once. Dengue haemorrhagic fever is a deadly disease and early recognition and treatment can save lives. Unless proper treatment is given promptly, the patient may go into shock and die.

Severe abdominal pains (black stools), bleeding on the skin or from the nose or gums, sweating, cold skin are danger signs. If any one of them is noticed take the patient to a hospital immediately. Give fluids to drink during transfer to the hospital;

Give nutritious food and fluids to drink to the patients;

Dengue mosquitoes bite during the day;

The patient should be kept under a mosquito net or in a screened room during the period of illness;

Screen your rooms against mosquitoes or use mosquito nets or use mosquito repellent;

Discard objects in which water collects, e.g. tins, cans, coconut shells, etc. Do not allow water to collect in pits around your houses. All stored water containers should be covered all the time. This will prevent breeding of Dengue mosquitoes.