Thursday 24 March 2011

Girls Can Lift Heavy Too!

Hi guys,

I've been doing martial arts for 20 years now and I've always considered myself as averagely fit and strong. I used to go to the gym and lift what I thought were heavy weights for a girl - that was until I met my awesome personal trainer and now I am lifting weights I never imagined I could lift! And guess what girls - I HAVEN'T BULKED UP!
The common myth among women is that if you lift heavy you'll end up like Fatima Whitbread on steroids (sorry Fatima) but it just isn't the case. I have been astonished as I have been upping my weights nearly every week and I haven't got bulky, just more sculpted. That brings me on to my next point - I could lift all the weights in the world but if I was eating crap I wouldn't get the results I wanted. I believe that 70% of your training should be done in the kitchen - there's no point having fab abs if you can't see them behind your muffin top!
I'll keep you posted as I progress - I think lifting weights must be addictive because since I started increasing the weight I've become a bit obsessed! I never felt like this about running on the treadmill or doing classes!