Saturday 7 May 2011

Formal Collection


SPICAL KURRIYA LAI(For Girls) ...Beauty Tips

Get yourself a Glowing Skin
Take one teaspoon Chiraunji powder, one teaspoon Rose Petal paste and Milk.
Scrub gently into the skin
Wash off with cold water and watch it glow!

Home-made Lip Gloss
Mix one teaspoon Glycerine with half teaspoon Almond Oil.
Glide over your lips for a natural shine!

Cool in Summer
To keep your cool in summer, avoid sugary foods and drinks. Instead, drink plenty of fresh fruit juices and coconut water.

To avoid suntan, mash a coconut kernel to a pulp and apply it on your face for 10-15 minutes before washing off with cold water.

Face Pack
Take white flour, mix crushed peppermints and lemon juice. Blend them together. Let it set for about an hour, so it will get thick.
Spread a layer on your face that not too thin and not too thick.
Let that set for 10 minutes, then wash your face with warm water.
After that wet a peice of cloth, that is a little bigger than your face, with cold water. Put it on your face for 1 minute. Then pat your face dry for outrageous skin!

Chlorine Problem?
To get chlorine out of your hair, mix baking soda with your shampoo and apply to hair.

Satin Smooth Skin!
When you have a Mango, do not throw the peels. Powder the peels. Add 1 teaspoon milk powder and rub all over.
Wash off after 5 minutes for a satin finish!

Itchy Scalp!
Boil a handful of 'Neem' leaves in a litre of water and use as an after-shampoo rinse.
This also works as an antiseptic.

Baby's Dry Hair and Skin Massage
Most babies need a massage at least every alternate day.
Massage your little one(s) with a UBTAN (homemade massage pack) made by mixing five tablespoons of Almond paste, three tablespoons of Almond Oil, two tablespoons of fresh Cream and a little Wheat Flour.
Done regularly, you will notice a difference within a week.

Shining Hair!
To add sheen to your hair, mix the juice of one fresh Orange, Water, 1 tablespoon Honey and 5 drops of Sandalwood Oil.
Use as an after-shampoo rinse for fabulous and perfumed hair!

Smooth Skin
Lather your body and face thickly.
Take a cup of sugar, add concentrate of orange or lemon juice

( SunQuick).
Scrub the whole body and face with this mixture on the lather. The latter will help the scrubbing.
Rinse generously with warm water. You'll get a delightful smooth skin.

Soft Lips
Mix 2 teaspoon coconut oil, lemon juice, 3 drops of lemon oil and 1 teaspoon bee wax and warm.
When it has melted, pour into a glass jar.
Use this solution to mositurise your lips

Information on Boswellia


Boswellia Picture

Common name: Salai guggal

Botanical name: Boswellia serrata

Boswellia is a moderate to large branching tree found in the dry hilly areas of India. When the tree trunk is tapped, a gummy oleoresin is exuded. A purified extract of this resin is used in modern herbal preparations.

Boswellia has been used in connection with asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, bursitis, and osteoarthritis.

In the ancient Ayurvedic medical texts of India, the gummy exudate from boswellia is grouped with other gum resins and referred to collectively as guggals. Historically, the guggals were recommended by Ayurvedic physicians for a variety of conditions, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, diarrhea, dysentery, pulmonary disease, and ringworm.

Active constituents: The gum oleoresin consists of essential oils, gum, and terpenoids. The terpenoid portion contains the boswellic acids that have been shown to be the active constituents in boswellia. Today, extracts are typically standardized to contain 37.5-65% boswellic acids.

Studies have shown that boswellic acids have an anti-inflammatory action - much like the conventional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used for inflammatory conditions. Boswellia inhibits pro-inflammatory mediators in the body, such as leukotrienes. As opposed to NSAIDs, long-term use of boswellia does not appear to cause irritation or ulceration of the stomach. One small, controlled, double-blind trial has shown that boswellia extract may be helpful for ulcerative colitis.

The standardized extract of the gum oleoresin of boswellia is recommended by many doctors. For rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, 150 mg of boswellic acids are taken three times per day. As an example, if an extract contains 37.5% boswellic acids, 400 mg of the extract would be taken three times daily. Treatment with boswellia generally lasts eight to twelve weeks. In the one clinical trial to date, people with ulcerative colitis used 550 mg of boswellia extract three times per day.

Side Effects of Boswellia Serrata

Boswellia is generally safe when used as directed. Rare side effects can include diarrhea, skin rash, and nausea. Any inflammatory joint condition should be closely monitored by a physician. At the time of writing, there were no well-known drug interactions with boswellia.

Pimples Solution!!


Pimples Solution!!

Pimples is a unique skin disorder.Pimples are lesions that occur when the skin's pores are obstructed or infected.They can form for a variety of reasons.However,the mechanism involved in causing some pores to collapse and block drainage of natural oils is not really understood. Pimples may also crop up for genetic reasons. It is not clear how it can be inherited from one's parents, but studies do indicate a high occurrence of pimples in children whose parents had it,too.
The pimples associated with adolescence almost certainly occur because of hormonal changes that take place during puberty. Both males and females get an overdose of the male hormone testosterone during this period,causing excessive generation of sebaceous fluids that invariably cause pimples.

1.The most basic form of pimple prevention is hygiene and preventive skin care. Regular washing of the affected areas with mild soap is a must.The soap need not necessarily contain any chemicals designed to prevent pimples .However, face washing should not be overdone or the skin will become dehydrated .

2.Care should be taken on makeup,moisturizers and other skin care products.If these products are oil based,it would just make the problem worse. Use water based products instead.

3.Generally we rub, press or squeeze our pimples.Don't when we do this,we risk spreading the bacteria to other areas.

4.Lemon juice diluted in water can be applied externally because of its antiseptic

5.Tea Tree oil can also be applied directly to infected pores.

6.Vitamin A tablets are also a natural and effective cure. Vitamin A promotes healthy skin.

7.Before bathing, apply a mixture of fresh tomato pulp, honey and rose-water to your face and keep for twenty minutes before washing off.

8.Juice of raw papaya is the best treatment for pimples.Apply fresh juice of raw papaya on pimples and get a good result.

9.Directly rub potato slices all over the face, helps to get rid of blemishes and
pimple scar.

10.Drink plenty of water and vegetable or fruit juices.

11.Use cucumber or other fruit and vegetable packs to cure pimple scars.

12.Maintain a diet that is rich in cottage cheese, salads, fresh juices, fish and
yogurt.These help to cleanse your system and ward off pimples.

13.Another overnight home remedy for pimples is to put a dab of toothpaste on it to help dry it out. Calamine lotion also will have the same drying effect.

14.Pound orange peel with water and apply to affected areas.

15.Another useful remedy for pimples is zinc. Which can be taken in a dose of 50 mg daily for a month and then reduce the dose.

16.You can clean your skin with apple cider vinegar as an overnight home pimple remedy.

17.Aspirin contains Beta hydroxy acid which is a powerful defoliant ,so you can crush 1to 2 Aspirin tablets mix with a little water and apply on pimples for 15 minutes and wash.

Finally,certain medications may temporarily alter the hormonal changes prevalent during adolescence and cause pimple outbreaks. If this is the case, a simple adjustment in medication may be all that is required.

Health : Boys get greater kick from Caffeine.

Boys seems to get greater kick out
of caffeine than girl', according to the
result of double blind study.
Boys also credited caffeine with having
positive effect on their athletic
performance, not so girls. The study
conducted by Jenifer L. Temple, a
neurobiologist and assistant professor
of neutrion science at the university of
Buffalo in the US, is the first to show
how gendres respond to caffeine consump-
tions. "We are hoping that our findings
from studies on caffeine will help us
determine why males and females differ
in susceptility to drug abuse," says Temple,
the journal of Experimental and Clinical
Psychopharmacology reports.