Saturday 16 April 2011

Tips for Glowing Skin

For glowing skin we need to give a little effort towards its care.
Drink a lot of water because it helps to nourish your skin.
Cleansing is very important and should be done on daily can do it at home by using any rich oily cream,lotion or any kind of cold cream.apply it on your face, massage it well on your skin,face and when it is absorbed well into your skin then wash your face gentle with medium heated water.
Massage will improve blood circulation and promote the growth of new cells.
Never leave your skin or face dry,hydrate your skin from time to time with any kind of mild moisturizer.
Drink lots of water and also wash your face time to time.


Foods That Burn Belly Fat

As the intentions of our New Year’s resolutions slowly slip away from us as January turns into February and the rest of the year passes us by; we lose our aspirations for the goals we have intended year after year to keep. Losing weight is a well known and well intended aspiration that slowly falls behind as other more future pressing events take shape in our day to day lives.

However, through the successful and efficient plan in choosing the correct fat burning foods there is little if no work involved in burning off unwanted fat that’s been clogging up arteries and more importantly, burning off that undesired body fat!

Through foods intoxicated with nutrients, vitamins and flavor; that body fat will simply be an unmissed memory of 2011! This is the year where change happens and fat loses it’s grip on you:

There are eight foods that will burn belly fat and make that New Year Resolution not just obtainable, but easy. Here is a list of foods that burn belly fat.

Salmon: is fully loaded with protein and Omega-3 amino fatty acids improving your metabolism and burning more fat. The fatty acids inherent in this food also increase cardiovascular health which helps your body in the fight against heart disease.

Turkey: is packed with protein for higher calorie burning and is also naturally lower in fat compared to chicken and other meats not mentioned specifically in this diet.

Beef: (particularly lean beef) is loaded with protein and it also contains iron which is essential for the creation of hemoglobin in your red blood cells.

Green Tea: is an essential fat burning drink due mainly to the EGCG contained within it which stimulates your brain and nervous system causing your body to burn a much higher rate of calories. Green tea also has effective antioxidants and extensive research has shown it to even reduce the risk of various types of cancers. Furthermore, green tea has been proven to help lower overall cholesterol levels and improve the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.

Skim Milk: contains significant amounts of calcium which helps increase your metabolism and burn those unwanted calories! There has been extensive research which shows that those who drink milk or low-fat dairy products daily, have less body fat ratios than those who don’t. Skim milk is best, but 1% milk is a good alternative.

Edamame: are soy beans which have been lightly boiled and salted. These beans are an excellent source of protein, Vitamin C, iron, and calcium! They also contain 0g of saturated fats, so enjoy them as often as you’d like.

Broccoli: is a well known super food that you can never eat enough of. It is packed with nutrients including calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, and fiber. The calcium, vitamin C and fiber all aid in burning fat and increasing your metabolism. Also it is full of antioxidants that provide a multitude of health benefits! Including, decreasing the risk of heart disease and various types of cancers.

Oats: are a great source of selenium which boosts your energy and enhances your immune system by producing antibodies. They are also a great food to fill up on as they are loaded with fiber!

Make 2011 count and don’t waste this opportunity to lose fat and lose it quickly and easily! The best time to start is now! And with a method as easy as this, there’s no point in waiting for tomorrow to start losing fat and eating healthy. This is no mere New Year’s Resolution, but a lifestyle which starts now!

Sleep patterns affect weight loss

Managing sleep and stress levels can help in the battle against obesity, according to scientists in the US.
People getting too little or too much sleep were less likely to lose weight in a six month study of 472 obese people. 

Their report in the International Journal of Obesity showed that lower stress levels also predicted greater weight loss.

A UK sleep expert said people need to "eat less, move more and sleep well".

Approximately a quarter of adults in the UK are thought to be clinically obese, which means they have a Body Mass Index greater than 30.

Nearly 500 obese patients were recruited for the first part of a clinical trial by the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in the US.

For six months they had to eat 500 fewer calories per day, exercise most days and attend group sessions. 

Weight loss :
                The authors report that "sleep time predicted success in the weight loss programme". 

People with lower stress levels at the start also lost more weight.

The researchers added: "These results suggest that early evaluation of sleep and stress levels in long-term weight management studies could potentially identify which participants might benefit from additional counselling."

Dr Neil Stanley, from the British Sleep Society, said the sleep community had been aware of this for a while, but was glad that obesity experts were taking notice.

"We've always had the eat less move more mantra. But there is a growing body of evidence that we also need to sleep well", he said.

"It's also true that if you're stressed, then you're less likely to behave, you'll sit at home feeling sorry for yourself, probably eating a chocolate bar." 

Dr David Haslam, chair of the National Obesity Forum, said: "It's a great idea to find predictors of who will respond to therapy, if this is a genuine one."

Running-a Best Exercise

There are so many exercises to be fit and fine but i find running the best one because of its various health benefits and also because it's free of cost.Here are some of it's health benefits.

One of the most popular benefits of running is to reduce or manage weight. It burns more calories per minute, than any other form of cardiovascular exercise. Research proves the fact that running burns an average of 100 calories per each mile.

Regular running raises HDL (good) cholesterol, reduces the risk of blood clots and encourages use of the 50% of your lungs that usually go unused.

Because running is such a good form of exercise boosting your cardio vascular and respiratory systems, this improves your body's ability to fight off coughs, colds and viruses. Whilst it won't make you immune to them you will find that you suffer less and recover more quiRunning -- like other types of exercise -- is a great stress-reliever and may even relieve mild depression. Many runners enjoy reaching the "runner's high" -- that euphoric, clear, and calm state they feel after a long run.