Saturday 23 April 2011

Tips For Eye Care In Urdu

Pakistan Bridal Shose 2011-12

Pakistan Fashion Dresses 2011

Importance of Lunch

Correct time for lunch
In our daily life we need to have our lunch between 12:30 PM and 1:00 PM. Because, our body health will be worsely affected by the delayed taking of meals.
Whenever we are careless about the correct timing of lunch there are many chances of being affected by diseases like indigestion and gastric problems. And also we must avoid sweets or fruits just before taking our lunch.
If we take sweets or chocolates just before lunch we may lose our feeling of tate and hungry. If we lose our healthy lunch, on that day we would not able to concentrate on any works. So, the lunch is very important which can be a factor of our good health.
It will be nice if we add enough quantity of variety of vegetables in our lunch. After finishing lunch, we can drink any fruit juice like lemon, apple or grapes.
However, we should be careful about the total quantity of food that we take in our lunch. If we take excess quantity of food as our lunch, we may suffer from some health problems including obesity and indigestion.

Is Boiling Drinking Water a Good Option

Some say just bring it to a boil and others say boil it 1 minute or 2 minutes or 5 minutes or 10 minutes! But they all agree that it is an effective way to disinfect water.

When Boiling Water for Drinking is Best

First, boiling drinking water is best when there is a water emergency. "Boil water" notices are given in local communities for various reasons. It may be that there is an equipment failure in the water treatment system or a power outage.
Or there has been a break in the pipelines or repairs are being made. If the water source has been flooded or some other reason to suspect the possibility of harmful microorganisms in the water supply, the town will recommend that it's citizens boil their water.
Boiling drinking water kills all microorganisms. This includes bacteria and viruses. It includes disease causing protozoans and parasites. This is why boiling is so good for disinfecting.
A second time when boiling drinking water is best is when you are traveling in other countries. What traveler does not know of "traveler's diarrhea"? We get this from contaminated water. This is why boiling the water is so critical when traveling. Though there are other options for disinfecting water as a traveler, probably none are as effective as boiling.
Thirdly, when you are a resident of a developing country which doesn't have treated water systems available for your use. You must insure the safety of your own drinking water. Boiling drinking water may be your best option. There are certain drawbacks, however.
Often those who need boiled water the most can't afford to pay for the energy to boil it. They may cook with charcoal or wood. They are already struggling to get fuel for cooking food and can't even consider the "luxury" of boiled water for drinking.

Why Boiling Water for Drinking Is Usually Not The Best Option

We've already mentioned the cost of boiling water for drinking. What may be prohibitive for poor countries, is possible in developed countries. Nonetheless, it is a real cost and there are so many other options to choose from. A second reason why most people don't choose this option is that it is so inconvenient. It takes time to boil water, and then it takes more time to cool off.
But even more important is the fact that boiling doesn't remove all health effect contaminants. We've talked about boiling as a means of disinfecting water, that is destroying the various kinds of micro-organisms that may be in it.
However, boiling water does not remove toxic metals or synthetic contaminants such as fuel oil or chemicals such as lead, mercury, asbestos, pesticides, to say nothing of sediment in the water. This is why boiling is important for emergencies but not for the long term supply of clean and safe drinking water.

How to Effectively Boil Water for Drinking

Many micro-organisms are killed before water actually boils; but because others take boiling some minutes to destroy, it is recommended that you boil your water for 10 minutes. This time should be extended for places at high altitude.

Hair Care

Before stepping into the shower, comb your hair lightly with a wide-toothed comb to untangle knots. This aligns the strands and prevents your getting out of the shower with a lot of knots.

Begin at the ends and slowly work your way up. Never try to rip through tangles from top to bottom. You'll end up with a clump of hair on your comb that could have been avoided if only you'd had some patience!

The temperature of the water you use while washing your hair should ideally not be warmer than room temperature.
In fact, the best thing would be to use the lowest temperature you can bear.
Too cold for you? Well, hair is not sensitive, so you could at least bend over and give the lower part of your hair a final rinse with cold water.

Because cold water helps the hair scales lie down flat, making them stronger.

On the other hand warm water opens the hair scales not only causing more frizz but also making the hair shaft weaker and more vulnerable.

In addition, the scalp secretes certain oils that are good for the hair. These oils get dissolved in warm water, causing further dryness.

Cold water does not dissolve the natural oils. So make the healthy-hair choice and go in for cold water!

Start washing your hair at the scalp, because that's where grease accumulates. Gently massage the shampoo into your hair with your fingertips.

It is a good idea to dilute the shampoo in a little water in a mug and then massage it on your scalp. This way the shampoo is even gentler on the hair.

- While applying shampoo to your locks, leave them hanging down instead of piling them on top of your head as though you're posing for a shampoo commercial.

Piling up your hair only leads to more tangles. Let it hang naturally so the lather works its way from the root to the ends.

- Try not to churn your hair too much. Work the shampoo gently so the strands don't get untangled and result in unbearable knots.

If you have long hair, apply shampoo to your scalp, divide it into sections, and massage each section gently with the shampoo from roots to ends.

The best way to wash out shampoo is to keep combing it with your wide toothed comb while rinsing it out under the shower. This helps in the de-tangling process and also helps the shampoo to rinse out better.

While you rinse your hair, do not rub it harshly. Hair is at its most fragile state when it's being rinsed. The correct way is to just simply let water run down your hair.

- Remember, it's best to rinse hair under running water.

Dunking it in a tub is not so effective as residue may still remain.

You have to make sure you've rinsed out all the shampoo. Once you are fairly certain it's all gone, stay under the flow of water for another half minute or so, to be doubly sure.
Wrap your hair in a soft, absorbent towel - and voila! You're done!