Thursday 24 March 2011


Jewellry Special


Oiling And Nourishing Your Hair

Hair has always been one of the best features of ours. All of us desire to have nice shiny and thick hair. Whenever we look at a hair product advertisement on television, we tend to envy the model's beautiful hair. We constantly keep changing hair oils and shampoos to get the shiny hair. But, still we face a lot of hair problems like hair loss, hair fall, thinning of hair and many more. What is the solution to all these hair problems? Herbal hair oil is the only way to rid off most of these problems. There are many herbal products in the market then how do we choose the right
As the age goes by, the body goes through many changes such as hair fall or hair loss. In men, hair fall is very natural but, when it comes to women, hair fall can be due to many reasons like hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, illnesses, hair dyes, hair oils and shampoos. Massaging the right hair with herbal oil would help in stimulating the hair follicles and improve the quality of hair by increasing the blood flow and removing any kind of infection on the scalp.
There are many herbal hair oils available not just in the market but on the internet as well. We can easily purchase any herbal oil for hair from these websites without leaving the comfort of our homes. There are herbal oils include components like coconut, neem, amla, sesame oil, bhringraj, etc.

Girls Can Lift Heavy Too!

Hi guys,

I've been doing martial arts for 20 years now and I've always considered myself as averagely fit and strong. I used to go to the gym and lift what I thought were heavy weights for a girl - that was until I met my awesome personal trainer and now I am lifting weights I never imagined I could lift! And guess what girls - I HAVEN'T BULKED UP!
The common myth among women is that if you lift heavy you'll end up like Fatima Whitbread on steroids (sorry Fatima) but it just isn't the case. I have been astonished as I have been upping my weights nearly every week and I haven't got bulky, just more sculpted. That brings me on to my next point - I could lift all the weights in the world but if I was eating crap I wouldn't get the results I wanted. I believe that 70% of your training should be done in the kitchen - there's no point having fab abs if you can't see them behind your muffin top!
I'll keep you posted as I progress - I think lifting weights must be addictive because since I started increasing the weight I've become a bit obsessed! I never felt like this about running on the treadmill or doing classes!

Running-a Best Exercise For Every One

There are so many exercises to be fit and fine but i find running the best one because of its various health benefits and also because it's free of cost.Here are some of it's health benefits.

One of the most popular benefits of running is to reduce or manage weight. It burns more calories per minute, than any other form of cardiovascular exercise. Research proves the fact that running burns an average of 100 calories per each mile.

Regular running raises HDL (good) cholesterol, reduces the risk of blood clots and encourages use of the 50% of your lungs that usually go unused.
Because running is such a good form of exercise boosting your cardio vascular and respiratory systems, this improves your body's ability to fight off coughs, colds and viruses. Whilst it won't make you immune to them you will find that you suffer less and recover more quiRunning -- like other types of exercise -- is a great stress-reliever and may even relieve mild depression. Many runners enjoy reaching the "runner's high" -- that euphoric, clear, and calm state they feel after a long run.