Monday 6 June 2011

Diabetes and Weight Management!

Weight loss can help to not only delay the onset of Type 2 Diabetes but it can also off-set the severity of associated complications. In fact, studies show that losing just 10% of your body weight can reduce your risk of developing Diabetes and its complications by as much as 50%. For many people, that means losing just five to ten pounds of body fat.

Losing weight should be done in a variety of ways in order to ensure that the weight loss is sustainable and effective. Many Diabetics rely upon medications and glucose supplements in order to get the insulin in their bodies to convert fat and sugar to usable forms of energy. Exercise and nutrition are also essential elements that are necessary to losing weight.

In order to effectively lose weight and body fat, many people find that they need to develop a diet plan and taking diabetes supplements or enlist the help of a support network, such as a weight loss program or a friend. Losing weight becomes less of a task and more of a social occasion when you can associate the undertaking with friends and shared goals.

Winter and Cold Weather Tips

Get Physical
The temperature of each body part is directly related to blood flow to that area. When the outside temperature drops your body automatically directs blood vessels near the surface of the skin to constrict in order to redirect blood flow toward vital internal organs like the heart and brain. It is the body's way of keeping vital organs warm and working. Hands and feet, which have many blood vessels at the skin's surface, are particularly sensitive to this process and lose alot of warming blood as a result.
Eat to Heat
Eating is another antidote to cold, since the digestion proocess produces heat. Choose something hot. Although the amount of actual heat ingested is small, hot foods and beverages give the nervous system a warmth signal that encourages blood flow to the extremities. Spicy foods will also do this.
While hot coffee and tea may seem like perfect warmer-uppers, caffeine actually constricts blood vessels, making extremities colder. Alcohol is another poor choice when you're chilled. Alcohol is dehydrating and may supress shivering, the involuntary muscle contractions through which the body warms itself. Tobacco also constricts blood vessels and acts to cool the body.
Learn Layering
Air trapped between layers of clothes insulates better than a single heavy garment. Here are the basics.
Layer 1Start with an undershirt or long johns in fabrics which trap body heat and wick moisture away from skin. Socks should be made of wool or wick-dry synthetics like Coolmax.
Layer 2Wear long-sleeved cotton denim or flannel shirts which allow moisture to evaporate.
Layer 3Pants and vests made of wool keep body core warm without bulk. Waterproof boots with felt liners or other insulation keep feet dry and warm.
Layer 4 Choose coats and jackets with fleece linings and outer shells made of wind and water-resistant nylon. Fleece is the fabric favored by professional skiers and mountain climbers because it retains natural body warmth even when wet and has a very high "warmth to weight" ratio making it effective without being bulky.
Layer 5Hats and neck warmers go a long way in keeping the entire body warm, since we lose more than half our body heat from our heads.
Hot Rods
Keep you Warm. . . Even in Freezing Temperatures
Hot Rods Garmets and Hot Rods Warming Packs are in a class by themselves when it comes to protecting you against winter's worst weather conditions. Simply slip air-activated, time release Hot Rods Warming Packs into specially designed pockets of Hot Rods Bandanas, Headbands, Hats, Neckwarmers, or Vests to experience super warming, go everywhere, long lasting heat action. Warming Packs are also great for use in gloves, shoes and pockets