Wednesday 18 May 2011

51 Ways To Perfect Health

1. Drink eight glasses of water a day.

2. Include two vegetables and one fruit in every meal.

3. Begin each meal with a raw vegetable salad.

4. Make a light snack of assorted sprouts.

5. Start the day with a glass of warm water and a dash of lime.

6. Use only fresh vegetables.

7. Once a week have only fresh fruits until noon, make lunch the first
meal of the day.

8. Eat only freshly cooked meals, not refrigerated leftovers.

9. Include one green vegetable and one yellow vegetable in every meal.

10. Go on a juice fasta for a day. Start with vegetable juice, and sip fruit
for lunch and dinner.

11. Kick the old coffee habit. Have a glass of fresh fruit juice instead.

12. Cut out all deep-fried foods from your diet.

13. Cut down on high sugar products like soft drinks, ice-cream, candy
and cookies in your diet.

14. Never skip a meal, even if you are on a diet. Eat a fresh fruit or
have vegetable juice instead.

15. Avoid beverages like soda, coffee, colas and so on.

16. Include high fibre foods plenty of fruits, vegetables and grains in
planning your diet.

17. Use salt in moderation

18. Wash vegetables throughly in clean water before chopping.

19. Stream or boil vegetables (rather than fry or saute.

20. Retain peels of potato, cucumber, carrot and tomato while cooking.

21. Do take a moment off to mentally list out the nutritional value of the
food you are about to eat.

22. Dont rush through your meals. Set aside enough time to appreciate,
enjoy and digest your food.

23. Make every meal an enjoyable experience. Set dishes out attractively
and chew slowly to appreciate the full flavour of the foods you eat.

24. Choose to be radiantly healthy. Keep yourself informed about the
nutritive value of every food you buy.

25. Shop for groceries yourself. Notice the look, feel and smell of fresh
fruit and vegetables and enjoy their intrinsic goodness.

26. Watch out for eating habits paired with emotional states, like
reaching for a chocolate when you’re depressed. Resist the urge
and eat fruit instead.

27. Eat popcorn (rather than chips) while watching a movie.

28. Sit at the table at meal times. Dont read the paper or review bills
while eating.

29. Make it a point to have dinner with the entire family at the table,
and not in front of the TV.

30. Eat just to the point of the fullness. Dont stuff yourself!

31. Stop smoking.

32. Restrict alcohol consumption.

33. Get a good night sleep, every night.

34. Enrol today in an exercise programme.

35. Take a brisk, 20 minute invigorating walk each morning.

36. Spend 10 minutes every morning and evening doing basic stretches.

37. Do not use elevators when you can climb the stairs.

38. Enrol in a TM programme today.

39. Focus on your breathing. Take a deep breath, then exhale slowly.
Repeat a couple of times a day.

40. Learn to relax. Spend 20 minutes consciously relaxing each muscle
of your body.

41. Spend 20 minutes a day in silent meditation, prayer or contemplation.

42. Learn the healing power of laughter. Watch a crazy movie, recall a
joke or read a funny book and laugh out loud.

43. Tap the powers of your sub-conscious. Relax your body for 20
minutes and project the Perfect You on your mind screen.

44. Balance your lifestyle. Devote equal time each week to work and fun.

45. Join kids in a sports activity and rediscover the joys of childhood.

46. Do keep in touch with friends. Call up or visit them and be at peace
with the world.

47. Enrol in an activity (like dancing, swimming or roller skating…) you
never indulged in because you were afraid of “what people might say.

48. Forgive someone who you think has done you wrong and cleanse
your spirit of rancour.

49. Do a nice turn to someone you dont know too well, but who could
do with a friend.

50. Spend a quiet half-hour chatting with your family.

51. Read a great book once a week.

Most surprising weight loss tip

Most surprising weight loss tip

Live with a fat person to stay slim


There is much debate about the true causes of the recent rise in obesity levels in rich countries. It is particularly difficult to separate the effects of genetics and our environment. Now a new study has discovered a surprising outcome - living with an overweight person can help reduce our own weight gain.
The study looked at the effect of college room-mates on students' weight gain in the first year. First year college students are of interest because they typically gain weight over the year - thought to be a consequence of changed eating and living habits associated with being on their own for the first time.
Effect of room-mate's weight

Surprisingly, students who were assigned an overweight room-mate were found to have significantly less weight gain than those assigned to a slimmer one - half a pound versus 2.5 pounds.
"This finding seems counterintuitive, but there are some good explanations for why it may be happening," said study author Kandice Kapinos, an assistant research scientist at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research.
Heavier students are more likely to diet, and typically exercise more and are more likely to use weight-loss supplements. "It's not really the weight of your room-mate that's important, but the behaviours your room-mate engages in," Ms Kapinos said. "These behaviours are what may really be 'contagious.'"
Surprising result

The results are surprising because previous studies have suggested that having an obese spouse, friend or sibling increases one's likelihood of becoming obese. But these relationships are not random - relatives share our genetics and we chose friends and partners because they share common interests and outlooks. Students are normally assigned a room-mate by the college authorities, so the choice of whom they live with is essentially random.
Another part of the study found that students in accommodation with on-site dinning areas gained more weight that those who had to go outside to get food.
"Our hope is that this line of research will have practical implications for university administrators and more generally for public health efforts aimed at reducing obesity," Ms Kapinos said.
The study was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Health Economists.

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