Saturday 4 June 2011

weight loss program

I believe 2.5 miles to be unadvisable for your goals, unles you are capable of running at a high level for that distance. Not only will you get more fat loss benefits from doing things like sprints instead of distance, running that distance too often without already being conditioned properly can lead to injuries like shin splints which can completely derail your routine.

What I did to lose my most recent 15 pounds was to limit my distance to one mile. I ran hard (80-85%) until I couldn't maintain anymore and walked until I was recouped enough to run hard again, then repeated for a mile. Once I was conditioned for that I jogged half a mile then did sprints (hard as I could run light pole to light pole) with walking in between. Once I was conditioned to that I traded walking for jogging between sprints, and my first half mile I ran a little harder than a jog. Since sprinting can generally be viewed a muscle building exercise requiring rest days, I alternated this with high intensity circuit training or interval training with mostly a focus on upper body movements.

Of course what works for me may not work for you, but generally for weight loss you have to work harder not necessarily longer. A long slow jog will burn calories mainly only while you run, whereas high intensity sprinting and the like will burn calories all day following the workout.

Simple Beauty Tips

It is simple to look and feel more beautiful starting today. You can even put away your pocketbook because these tips are free. Here are the 10 tips for simple beauty.

Smile... it will brighten your day and others around you will feel your energy.

Stretch... cats know that total body stretch does wonders. Follow their example and roll up slowly out of bed and stretch gently. (For more tips on stretching here is a great book: AM/ PM Stretch for Health.)

Exercise... at least 20 mins of any continuous activity will boost your energy level and reduce bad stressors. You don't even to pay a membership fee. The key is continuous like a 20min walk or even mopping your floors. You will look and feel better.

Drink water. No other liquid is quite like it. Clear your system. 8 glasses are recommended daily. Your skin will radiate.

Rest... you need to take breaks during the day and sleep at night. Takes breaks away from work space to keep fresh and focused. Make sure you are getting sufficient sleep at night since your body regenerates while you are sleeping. If you are constantly letting your mind wonder make a conscious decision to put away thoughts till morning. It is amazing how good your subconscious mind listens to your conscious mind (so be careful what you tell yourself)

Do good. When you do something for someone else without expecting anything in return you benefit in ways unimaginable. (the key is don't expect anything in return)

Exchange... the money you spend on junk food for food that will enrich your body and soul. Start with a simple plan of exchange. Because some think healthy foods cost more, find out your spending pattern by making 2 lists:
. foods you like that are healthy that you normally don't buy
. foods you like that are "junk food" that you normally buy
calculate the cost of the 2nd list then use this amount to fund your "healthy" purchase. (of course you have to say bye-bye to the "junk food")

"Stop and smell the roses". Look for good in everything. This is a toughie because most of us are "trained" to look for faults, errors, shortcomings, defects, etc. Begin with yourself. List all your assets (not just physical). Then realize all the good in being you. Move on to other things around you. Work on this consciously every day till it becomes a habit. There is something good about everything and everyone. Once you realize this you will be finding good everywhere without even trying.

Learn... something new every day. Pick up a book. or search online. Learn to do something you have always wanted to do. You can even start for free by researching online. Search the subject and start stimulating and enriching your mind today.

Reward yourself. Set financial and personal goals and tag them with rewards for accomplishing them. (this one may be something special you have always wanted to do. and not necessarily a purchase.. But if you have done all the above maybe go ahead and splurge a little. You deserve it!

How To Plait Hair

How To Plait Hair

For women, deciding on a decent and convenient hairstyle has always been an issue. The choices are almost endless. This is when the traditional and classic ‘plait' comes to the rescue. Tying a plait together may take a considerable amount of time, but once tied together can prove to be a big boon.
This is because a plait is a no-fuss hairstyle. Once your hair is plaited, you don't really need to worry about your hair turning into a mess in the wind or worry over dealing with a bad hair day. It's all about making the right choice. 

Step-By-Step Instructions On Plaiting Hair

Simple Plait

Start off by dividing hair into three equal sections, after combing it out, of course.
Reach out for the section on the left and bring it over the middle section. Then reach out for the section on the right and take it over the middle section, in a crisscross manner.
You should tie both the right and the left section over the middle one. Tie the strands of hair firmly into place.
Repeat this step until you reach the end of the hair. Proceed to finish off the plait with a rubber band tied tightly around the end of the hair. 
French Plait

Comb out hair and remove knots and tangles. This is crucial to the ‘success' of a French plait.
Begin from the top and divide the hair into six to seven layers.
You've to be both careful and skilful now. Between your index finger and thumb, grip strands of hair from the top layer of the head. After doing so, divide these strands of hair into three sections. The sections should be almost if not equal in size.
Pull the right section over the middle and follow it up by pulling the left over the same. Repeat this step until the top layer is completely plaited.
Now go on to the second layer. This step too requires concentration and skill. Begin working on the strands of hair on the left side of the second layer and pull it over to the left of the side of the first layer. You should be looking at reaching the middle of what will become your French plait.  
Move to the right hand side of the second layer and pull the strands of hair over to the right of the first layer. You simply have to repeat what you did in the left side of the second layer in the right side of the same.
Repeat these steps until all the layers of hair have been pulled to the middle. Finish off the plait by tying together the end of the hair with a rubber or elastic band.