Tuesday 13 September 2011

Women Over 40 should do 2011-12

  • Avoid using sunscreen products to protect your skin from the damaging UV rays of the sun, because they speed up the skin aging process. If you are not habituated doing this, start now.
  • Use a natural cleansing agent that is suitable to skin pH and which is specially prepared for the delicate skin on the face.
  • have the practice exfoliate on regular basis.
  •   Don’t forget to moisturize your neck and upper chest area which brings your skin glow and shine.
  •   Avoid skin care products containing harsh chemicals; instead use natural skin care products that are gentler and also effective.
  •   take healthy and well-balanced diet.
  • keep yourself hydrated consuming the plenty of fluids like fresh, clean and sterilized drinking water.

These days the women over 40 are choosing natural skin care products rather than the products containing harsh chemicals. Try different natural skin care products to find some skin care products that work and suits best with your skin. Try to begin your new skin care by treating your skin with gentle care to make healthier, glowing, shiny skin at any age.