Monday 28 March 2011

Titan Killer? Exciting new fitness equipment news!

I know many of you have been waiting to hear an update regarding the Titan. Not long ago I spoke with Brian Butler (President of Fitcore) to get an update. We had a very good conversation, however Brian indicated that he is no longer hopeful that the issues between Fitcore and the manufacturer of the Titan will be resolved.

I have been waiting to see where things were going to wind up with the Titan before saying anything, but now I feel that the timing is right to let you in on something that I am very excited about. By the way, Brian knows that I'm going to be working with a new company, and he has given me his full blessing and best wishes as JSF moves forward.

Those of you who have been visiting JSF for any length of time are aware of how I operate: I don’t endorse anything I haven’t seen or used, and even then I will not give a positive endorsement unless I am confident the product or service will be delivered with consistent quality and results. So, I want to stress that this is very early information, and at this point I have had no "hands on" time with this new equipment. Please keep this in mind as you read the next few paragraphs...

There is a product on the horizon that--based purely on what I've seen on paper and rendered in 3D software--will best the Titan in every possible way. Of course I will have to put this new machine through many weeks of testing in my own gym to see if it is as good as it appears to be. If this machine delivers on everything I've seen so far, I would go as far as to say that it is a Titan killer.

I hate to leave you in suspense, but this is as much information as the manufacturer will allow me to divulge at this time.

You can be sure that if this product lives up to my high expectations I will try to negotiate some of the best prices around for JSF forum members.

Exciting things may be on the horizon for those of you who did not have the opportunity to purchase a Titan, and for those looking to upgrade. I will be releasing additional details as they become available to me.