Sunday 3 April 2011

The weight loss formula

There are no shortcuts to this process no matter whose products you eat and drink.

1. Eat your major meal of the day at breakfast or don’t bother trying to lose weight - you'll just gain it back.

2. Drink one Protein shake as a replacement for one meal per day and another for a snack or as a replacement meal.

3. Eat a variety of fresh vegetables – in other words – complex carbohydrates.

4. Eat good-quality proteins – but no dairy, red meat greatly restricted.

5. Drink lots of water. Water is how you rinse the poisons out of your body and is the principal method by which weight is lost.

6. Keep your daily simple carbohydrate intake to no more than 35 grams.

7. Move your body a minimum of 20 minutes a day. Sweat those toxins and extra weight off. Don't forget to drink plenty of water.

35 grams = 1.2 ounces

Foods that help you lose weight
(complex carbohydrates)

• Spinach
• Whole Barley
• Grapefruit
• Turnip Greens
• Buckwheat
• Apples
• Lettuce
• Buckwheat bread
• Prunes
• Water Cress
• Oat bran bread
• Dried apricots
• Zucchini
• Oatmeal
• Pears
• Asparagus
• Oat bran cereal
• Plums
• Artichokes
• Museli
• Strawberries
• Okra
• Wild rice
• Oranges
• Cabbage
• Brown rice
• Yams
• Celery
• Multi-grain bread
• Carrots
• Cucumbers
• Pinto beans
• Potatoes
• Dill Pickles
• Low fat yogurt
• Soybeans
• Radishes
• Skim milk
• Lentils
• Broccoli
• Navy beans
• Garbanzo beans
• Brussels
• Sprouts
• Cauliflower
• Kidney beans
• Eggplant
• Soy milk
• Lentils
• Onions
• Whole meal bread
• Split peas

Foods that make you gain weight (and are also addictive)
(simple sugars and carbohydrates)

• Table sugar
• Corn syrup
• Fruit juice
• Pop
• White Rice
• Candy
• Honey
• Jam
• Chocolate
• Most Salad Dressings - read the label
• Bread made with white flour
• Pasta made with white flour
• All baked goods made with white flour
• Pies
• Cake, Cheese Cake
• Most packaged cereals
• Pasta, Noodles
• Processed (packaged) foods
• Most canned goods (they have added sugar)
• Biscuits, Cookies

• Milk, Cheese, Butter
• Yoghurt
• Ice Cream (all frozen dairy treats)

• Beer
• Liquor
• Wine

Complex carbohydrates are considered as good carbohydrates.

Digestion of complex carbohydrates takes longer and consumes more energy to accomplish. The slow absorption of sugars provides you with a steady metered supply of energy and limits the amount of sugar converted into fat and stored.

Simple sugars and carbohydrates are quickly converted to grape sugar – the fuel used by the body. If this fuel isn’t consumed almost immediately, it causes a sugar spike followed by a chemical depression. At this point, the consumer can easily be legally impaired and unfit to operate a motor vehicle or machinery.

Diet alone does not bring about weight loss. Exercise is at least half of the equation, usually much more. Save yourself a lot of heartache and maybe your life by understanding that you can’t lose weight or restore health without a paradigm shift in the way you live your life and that way has to include exercising vigorously.

Weight loss does not necessarily mean your health has improved. Without exercise, your health can actually get worse.

Whenever you embark on a process that will entail a significant change to the way you live your life, whether through diet or exercise, it's best to see your doctor first so that if there are any underlying issues that need to be taken into consideration, they can be dealt with before they become problems.

There has been a lot of talk about internal cleansing and for the most part, it's a process that will extend the life of those who practice and make a habit of this important health restoration technique. However, not everyone stands to gain. Sometimes, where there are underlying issues, genetic flaws and presdispositions for instance; cleansing can be the unintentional trigger that sets off an ugly life altering disease that once set in motion, can't be stopped. Don't think this can't happen to you. You don't know until you check.

These instances are rare but they do happen. That's an important reason to make sure when possible to know the medical histories of your forebears and to ensure your medical practioner knows what they are.