Saturday 9 April 2011

Fun Teen Beauty Secrets**

Teen Girls

Here are some beauty secrets that we wish we had known when we were teens! We want to share them with you so that you don't make the same mistakes that we did!

Dump the Bottle of Foundation
First, we wish we had the same youthful skin that teens do. Unfortunately, most teens hide their fresh, young and glowing skin beneath layers of foundation. Stop doing that right now! Skip the foundation and show off your wrinkle-less beauty. If you have zits and spots, use a concealer by all means. Use a powder or, at most, a tinted moisturiser. Remember, foundation is for women aged 30+ to help them look as young as you!

Golden Rule: One is Always Nude
Every time we see an overly made-up teen we groan inwardly. When will they understand that less is always more? When you avoid using foundation, don't go overboard with the lipstick or the eye make-up. Remember the golden rule: one is always nude. If you use a red lipstick, your eyes should be without eyeliner and vice versa. If you are going to use eye shadow with your eyeliner, then just pat a bit of gloss on your lips. Always allow one part of your face to become the centre of attention.

Use Concealers Cleverly
Pat it in, and avoid vigorously rubbing a concealer into your skin. If you want to hide a pimple, apply it directly on top of the zit. That way, you won't aggravate the zit further and you will come away with more natural looking skin. And of course, it goes without saying that you should only use a concealer if you need to.

Hair Wear
We think that natural is hot, but teens tend to think otherwise. So if you want to lighten your hair, just go one shade lighter, or two at most, but no more than that. We see teens emptying whole tubes of hair colour, thinking they will look cooler, but what they don't realise is that they actually end up looking like clowns.

Always get your hair cut in layers, which are so in and which make unruly hair look salon fresh and give life to limp hair.