Sunday 27 March 2011

Blood Sugar Testing!

Blood sugar testing is important for Diabetics because their bodies do not process blood sugars properly. Since a Diabetic cannot break down sugar molecules, the sugar cannot be absorbed by the muscles and organs and stored for later use as energy.

High blood sugar levels can also lead to a multitude of complications, including hypertension, eye problems and poor circulation. In order to avoid the complications associated with Diabetes disease, glucose control is essential. Glucose control can be achieved through diabetes nutrition, exercise and medication.

Diabetes Test - To check if you have Diabetes disease, your doctor will perform a glucose tolerance test to measure blood sugar levels. The results of these tests and other clinical findings will be used to make a diagnosis. Although the amount of glucose in your blood varies depending on when and what you eat, the variation in this range should be relatively narrow. In general, your blood sugar is highest after you eat and lowest after you have not eaten for 8-10 hours.