Wednesday 20 April 2011

10 Tips For Healthy Kids

1. Provide A Healthy Breakfast Every Day.

It is important for the health and the growth of your child that they have a healthy breakfast every morning.

By taking the time to provide them with the right foods every morning, they will have a more energized day and, over time, will learn to make healthier choices.

Every breakfast should consist of healthy carbohydrates, low fat or lean proteins, and healthy fats. Here are some great foods to build meals from (see table in attachment).
Some example healthy breakfast meals:

* Egg White Omelette: made with egg whites, filled with chopped veggies, salsa, and low fat shredded cheese.

* Scrambled Eggs & Bagel: scrambled whole eggs (or egg whites) with ½ whole-grain bagel (wheat or rye). Add some low fat cream cheese or some natural peanut butter.

2. Don't Drink The Calories.

As a parent, we are so tempted to grab the quick juice boxes and sodas, but these types of drinks add lots of unnecessary calories everyday that are void of any nutritional value. In addition, it is speculated that many of the ingredients in these products are chemically causing our children to eat more and crave sugar.

Replace regular soda with plain water or diluted 100% natural juice that has no additives. It is also a good idea that your kids have 1-2 glasses of low-fat milk each day.

3. Let Them Snack.

Kids like to snack. As parents, we should encourage them to snack, but as we allow them the ability to snack we must also provide healthy options! Options like whole grain cereals with low-fat milk, whole grain bread, fruits, and low-fat cheese sticks.

4. Have Frozen Fruit For Snacks.

bananas If your kids like frozen treats, you can likely make a big hit with some frozen fruits. Freezing things like grapes, bananas, melons, and all sorts of berries can be a great treat. Serve up some frozen strawberries topped with low-fat Cool Whip.

Another tip is to dip and then freeze. Start by placing the fruit on a Popsicle stick or toothpick and then lightly dip the fruits in a dark chocolate - or even better: a low-fat Jell-O Chocolate pudding. Freeze and serve!

5. Limit The Availability Of Junk Food.

To limit the availability of junk food, you must always provide your kids with healthy options. Have the healthy stuff always in reach. The more you can do to keep the junk out of the house or out of reach the better, but don't start things out by forbidding any foods. It is best if you simply limit the bad foods

If you have tried the frozen fruit options and they are not working as well as you had hoped (or the children will not stop asking for the real stuff), than you might want to keep a small supply of low-fat ice cream bars or cones available.

The last thing you want is a mutiny on your hands. An occasional ice cream sandwich will be fine.

6. Put The Healthy Stuff Up Front.

Take a lesson from the grocery store. The grocery stores always put the tasty stuff up front in our reach because they know we are more likely to buy it then. Keep a variety of healthy foods at the front of the refrigerator so the kids can grab them when they want a snack.

Here are some healthy options:

*Cottage Cheese w/ Fruit & Nuts: some low-fat cottage cheese with fresh fruit and some raw unsweetened almonds.

*Fruit Smoothie: mix your favorite whey protein with some low-fat milk, some frozen blueberries, strawberries or a banana with some EFAs.

7. Always Have A Fresh Fruit Bowl In Arms Reach.

In place of a cookie jar, always keep a bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen table or counter top so the kids are likely to reach for a healthy snack instead of grabbing something they don't need.

8. Make It At Home.

As Americans, we are eating out way too much. When dining out at restaurants, we tend to eat too much and eat more of the foods we shouldn't be eating.

A majority of the time the foods we eat, even when we are away from home, should be the foods we make in our home. Prepare sandwiches, salads, and homemade soups to have on hand as regular snacks between meals.

Here are some healthy dinner options:

* Chicken Salad: boiled, steamed or grilled chicken, tossed in a salad with fresh veggies and a dressing on the side for dipping. Make salads more interesting by adding fruits like grapes, sections of mandarin orange, chunks of pineapple, and sliced peaches. shrimp

* Kabobs: chicken, beef, or shrimp grilled to perfection with your choice of veggies. Place your kabobs over some brown rice and some beans.

* Chicken Wrap: boiled, steamed or grilled chicken, wrapped in a whole grain soft tortilla with peppers and tomatoes sautéed in olive oil, red or black beans, and a little shredded cheese and avocado.

9. Don't Make Them 'Clean' Their Plate.

Don't force your child to eat everything on their plate if they are no longer hungry. It is one thing if you think your child just doesn't want to take the time to eat and completely another if you are threatening to punish them if they don't eat everything.

A child's appetite will vary, based on activity and growth spurts. Sometimes they will have less of an appetite and at other times they will eat extra to make up.

10. Get Outside!

Limit the time that the family spends indoors watching TV, and get more active! It is important to plan fun activities with the family like taking them to the park to play some sports as a family, go to a community pool, taking a walk, or going on a family camping trip for some hiking, backpacking, mountain biking, and fishing.