Thursday 31 March 2011

Bride's Hands & Feet

Fat Facts

All fats found in fresh whole foods are good, healthy, and sometimes vital. It is wise to include a full spectrum of fats in your diet, which will work hard to keep you healthy and young-looking. This, of course, is not the message we have been getting in the popular media, and because of this we have built up an unhealthy guilt complex and fear of fat.
Certain fats are indeed bad for us, but luckily it is easy to spot them. Trans fatty acids have been linked to raising "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and lowering "good" cholesterol (HDL); they are also suspected of being behind that "stubborn fat" that won't leave no matter what we do. They are the result of processing oils through hydrogenation. You can spot the presence of trans fats in a product because hydrogenated fats have to be listed in the ingredient panel of food. By adding up all the fats listed in the panel and then subtracting that number from the total listed, you will come up with the amount of trans fats in the product. However, the easiest thing to do is just avoid anything that has any hydrogenated oil in it.
Rancid fat is the other bad fat -- fat that has been mutated by oxygen, heat, moisture, and light. This fat is full of free radicals and can contribute to all the health and aging problems associated with them. At first you might think that it would be easy to avoid this one. Just reading the word "rancid" tends to make our noses wrinkle in disgust; however, we have been conditioned to accept rancid fats. The reason that dollop of butter is salty is to help preserve it and to cover up the rancid taste. Yes, butter is good for us, but rancid butter is not. That flax oil in the refrigerator is liquid gold to some, but if it is rancid, it is worse than useless. We have to retrain our noses and taste buds to discern fresh good fats from rancid bad ones. This is one reason for using unsalted rather than salted butter.
This retraining can be done by finding stores that sell their stock quickly, store their products properly, and rotate their stock on the shelf so that no old products linger there. Also check the expiration dates on products to help you find the freshest product.
Remember that the best fats come from fresh whole foods, so try making your own butter from some fresh, pure whipping cream. Add a bit of salt to taste, if you prefer it salty, and memorize the taste to compare with commercially prepared butter. If that is a bit too much work, just find the freshest frozen unsalted butter you can, and taste that. When dealing with vegetable oils, try grinding the seeds up and then smelling the fresh aroma. Again, if this is too much of a bother, just get a good smell of the oil when you first open the bottle or tin and memorize that fresh scent. As soon as you notice that the smell is off, get rid of it.

Monday 28 March 2011

Get yourself insured and drop the stress

Stress can creep into our lives from so many different directions, such as work, relationships, physical health and especially those scenarios that seem to be out of our control completely. As a massage therapist or bodyworker, you most likely know all too well the effects that stress can have on a person’s health and overall wellness.Regardless of the source of one’s stress, the consequences can range from headaches and negative changes in mood to tense muscles and decreased performance at work. These are only a few of the symptoms of high levels of stress in a person’s life. Obviously, it is important to keep stress in check whenever possible.

For folks in the field of healing touch, one of the main sources of stress may be the business side of massage therapy and bodywork. There are a few simple ways to take much of the stress out of running a business, and restore precious peace of mind. One such method is taking the time to sign up for a solid massage therapy liability insurance program. Such an insurance policy will require a minimal annual fee, which is usually only a couple hundred dollars. For this reasonable price, you will effectively be providing protection to your practice in the case of an array of unexpected scenarios—those scenarios that seem to be out of your control completely.

Stop Smoking

Stop smoking programs are designed to help smokers recognize and cope with problems that come up during quitting. They also provide support and encouragement in staying quit. The ideas for framing such programs came from the, experiences that had to the physiatrists who had to treat the people, who becoming mentally ill out of the trial to quit smoking.

While in hearing, it doesn’t sounds to be a serious matter, it needs a lot of efforts to quit, and there is lot of physical and mental problems associated with it.

Studies have shown that the best quitting programs will include either one-on-one or group counseling. There is a strong link between how often and how long counseling lasts and the success rate. In total, the more intense the program, the greater the chance of success to be away from Smoking and lung cancer .

Titan Killer? Exciting new fitness equipment news!

I know many of you have been waiting to hear an update regarding the Titan. Not long ago I spoke with Brian Butler (President of Fitcore) to get an update. We had a very good conversation, however Brian indicated that he is no longer hopeful that the issues between Fitcore and the manufacturer of the Titan will be resolved.

I have been waiting to see where things were going to wind up with the Titan before saying anything, but now I feel that the timing is right to let you in on something that I am very excited about. By the way, Brian knows that I'm going to be working with a new company, and he has given me his full blessing and best wishes as JSF moves forward.

Those of you who have been visiting JSF for any length of time are aware of how I operate: I don’t endorse anything I haven’t seen or used, and even then I will not give a positive endorsement unless I am confident the product or service will be delivered with consistent quality and results. So, I want to stress that this is very early information, and at this point I have had no "hands on" time with this new equipment. Please keep this in mind as you read the next few paragraphs...

There is a product on the horizon that--based purely on what I've seen on paper and rendered in 3D software--will best the Titan in every possible way. Of course I will have to put this new machine through many weeks of testing in my own gym to see if it is as good as it appears to be. If this machine delivers on everything I've seen so far, I would go as far as to say that it is a Titan killer.

I hate to leave you in suspense, but this is as much information as the manufacturer will allow me to divulge at this time.

You can be sure that if this product lives up to my high expectations I will try to negotiate some of the best prices around for JSF forum members.

Exciting things may be on the horizon for those of you who did not have the opportunity to purchase a Titan, and for those looking to upgrade. I will be releasing additional details as they become available to me.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Chest Training Bodybuilding


10 tips rapid fat loss

Before jumping into a diet, you must determine your ideal weight. This will be your guide on your weight loss journey. Fast weight loss doesn’t imply that you drop 50 pounds overnight; a few pounds can take months to shed and for obese individuals, it can take years to lose the desired amount of weight. How fast you lose weight will depend on how focused you are on your diet.

Are you looking for that jump start to rev your metabolism and get you bathing suit ready? The following ten tips will improve your workouts and ignite your metabolism. Try some or all of these tips but beware, the result may be a number of admiring second glances and stares when you don’t have that bikini or pair of trunks.

1. The majority of your workouts should be composed of free-weight or cable exercises.

Compared to machines, free-weight and cable movements often require more skill, create muscular balance, and have a greater metabolic cost. For example, it is more difficult to balance the weights, and to coordinate muscles when performing free-weight exercises. Although this may sound like a disadvantage, it is actually a benefit. By balancing and stabilizing free-weights or cables you are working more muscles through a greater range of motion resulting in more muscles developed and more calories burned.

2. Use mostly compound (multi-joint and multi-muscle) exercises.

When focusing on improving body composition, you can't worry about “detail” exercises, so you should use exercises that'll get you the biggest bang for your buck. Isolation exercises can be used at the end of a workout to work on a specific weakness, but only do the bare minimum.

Virtually every savvy fitness professional is privy to the fact that compound exercises recruit the most muscle groups for any given body part.

If you seek lean muscle and the increase in metabolism that comes with it, you must choose exercises that allow for the greatest load. One of the main reasons why squats are superior to leg extensions for quadriceps development relates to the fact that the load you can expose the quadriceps to is much greater with squats. That’s why presses and dips will give you great triceps development, while triceps kickbacks will do little for triceps development and even less for the metabolism.

A good rule of thumb is to use lifts that will allow you to use the most weight. These will have a systemic effect on your body that'll help maintain or increase your muscle mass and in turn ignite your metabolism.

3. Super-set or group exercises.

Perform either non-competing muscle group training or antagonist training. Non-competing muscle group training would involve doing a set of a lower body exercise, and following it up with an upper body exercise Antagonist training is executed by alternating exercises that target opposing muscle groups (e.g. chest and back). The list of benefits includes: quicker recovery, greater strength levels and shorter workout times.

This design can be a huge advantage in your mission to burn fat. If you alternate exercises for opposing or non-competing muscle groups, you’ll be able to keep your heart rate elevated and burn calories like a blast furnace!

4. Keep rep ranges, in general, between 8 and 12.

Through research, it has been determined that the best range for hypertrophy (muscle gain) is roughly between 8-12 reps. Since the main focus of your resistance training efforts is to gain lean body mass and stimulate your metabolism, this rep range fills the bill perfectly. “High reps for tone and fat loss” is the “big kahuna” of all training myths! Somehow the aerobics, yoga and Pilate’s community have convinced us that when we perform bodyweight exercises or light resistance training for high reps, our muscles magically take on a beautiful shape without growing or bulging. On the other hand, if you challenge yourself with moderately heavy weights, your body will take on a bulky, unflattering appearance. If you believe this, you probably still believe in the Tooth Fairy!

5. Rest only 30 to 60 seconds between sets.

When you keep the rest periods under one minute, it’s easier to stay focused on the task at hand and keeps your heart rate elevated. In addition, it forces your muscles to recover more quickly between sets, along with keeping your nervous system revved up.

If your first movement in an upper/lower body superset is squats, you might want to rest 60 seconds before attempting your second movement. However, if your first exercise is a fairly "easy" exercise, like lat pull downs, you might only wish to wait 30 seconds before doing the second part of the superset.

6. Every session should consist of approximately six to eight exercises. Why? Because empirical evidence has shown that normal trainees can consistently maintain six to eight exercises per session without burning out.

It’s imperative to base your exercise selection around compound, multi-joint exercises. Seventy-five percent (75%) of your exercises for each session must be compound exercises. Six single-joint isolation exercises are not going do the trick. Sure, you can perform a few isolation exercises, but the majority of your exercise choices should be multi-joint.

7. Perform Total Body Workouts

First and foremost, you must drop the notion that a muscle group can only be trained once or twice a week. Fitness enthusiasts from the past didn't train that way and you shouldn't either. The more frequent muscle producing more fat burning sessions you can have, the better.

8. Cardio is not the cure-all for Obesity

Cardiovascular exercise aids in the creation of a caloric deficit, but the caloric expenditure during cardio is temporary. Strength training addresses the core of the problem by permanently increasing the rate at which the body burns calories by adding muscle. The best programs will include both strength training and cardiovascular training, but the core or the programs effectiveness is resistance training.

9. When you do cardio, do it first thing in the morning.

Do your cardiovascular training first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You’ve gone 8 or more hours without eating, so your blood sugar levels are at their lowest when you first wake up. After about 10-15 minutes of cardio training on an empty stomach, you’ll have burned up all your remaining blood sugar.

Once your blood sugar is used up, the only remaining source of fuel your body has to continue with your cardio exercise is your stored body fat.

10. Vary your pace during your cardio training sessions.

Don’t maintain a constant steady pace while you’re on the treadmill or elliptical machine. Numerous studies have shown you’ll burn more calories and more fat if you train in intervals.

Start out by going for 1 minute at your normal walking pace. Then, for the next 30 seconds, speed it up to a run. After the 30 seconds at an increased pace, slow back down to your original pace for 1 more minute. This is known as an interval. Repeat this interval style cardio for 10-20 minutes.

Performing your cardio in this “interval” fashion will allow you to burn more fat and calories in less time than just keeping a nice steady pace. This will increase the results you see while reducing your time on the treadmill, stationary bike, or whatever form of cardiovascular training you do.

Blood Sugar Testing!

Blood sugar testing is important for Diabetics because their bodies do not process blood sugars properly. Since a Diabetic cannot break down sugar molecules, the sugar cannot be absorbed by the muscles and organs and stored for later use as energy.

High blood sugar levels can also lead to a multitude of complications, including hypertension, eye problems and poor circulation. In order to avoid the complications associated with Diabetes disease, glucose control is essential. Glucose control can be achieved through diabetes nutrition, exercise and medication.

Diabetes Test - To check if you have Diabetes disease, your doctor will perform a glucose tolerance test to measure blood sugar levels. The results of these tests and other clinical findings will be used to make a diagnosis. Although the amount of glucose in your blood varies depending on when and what you eat, the variation in this range should be relatively narrow. In general, your blood sugar is highest after you eat and lowest after you have not eaten for 8-10 hours.

Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life

1.Drink Water and Eat Dairy
2.Eat Breakfast Every Morning
3.Add Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Die
4.Get Enough Sleep
5.Make Social Connections
6.Exercise for Better Health
7.Practice Good Dental Hygiene
8.Take Up a Hobby
9.Protect Your Skin
1.0Snack the Healthy Way

Thursday 24 March 2011


Jewellry Special


Oiling And Nourishing Your Hair

Hair has always been one of the best features of ours. All of us desire to have nice shiny and thick hair. Whenever we look at a hair product advertisement on television, we tend to envy the model's beautiful hair. We constantly keep changing hair oils and shampoos to get the shiny hair. But, still we face a lot of hair problems like hair loss, hair fall, thinning of hair and many more. What is the solution to all these hair problems? Herbal hair oil is the only way to rid off most of these problems. There are many herbal products in the market then how do we choose the right
As the age goes by, the body goes through many changes such as hair fall or hair loss. In men, hair fall is very natural but, when it comes to women, hair fall can be due to many reasons like hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, illnesses, hair dyes, hair oils and shampoos. Massaging the right hair with herbal oil would help in stimulating the hair follicles and improve the quality of hair by increasing the blood flow and removing any kind of infection on the scalp.
There are many herbal hair oils available not just in the market but on the internet as well. We can easily purchase any herbal oil for hair from these websites without leaving the comfort of our homes. There are herbal oils include components like coconut, neem, amla, sesame oil, bhringraj, etc.

Girls Can Lift Heavy Too!

Hi guys,

I've been doing martial arts for 20 years now and I've always considered myself as averagely fit and strong. I used to go to the gym and lift what I thought were heavy weights for a girl - that was until I met my awesome personal trainer and now I am lifting weights I never imagined I could lift! And guess what girls - I HAVEN'T BULKED UP!
The common myth among women is that if you lift heavy you'll end up like Fatima Whitbread on steroids (sorry Fatima) but it just isn't the case. I have been astonished as I have been upping my weights nearly every week and I haven't got bulky, just more sculpted. That brings me on to my next point - I could lift all the weights in the world but if I was eating crap I wouldn't get the results I wanted. I believe that 70% of your training should be done in the kitchen - there's no point having fab abs if you can't see them behind your muffin top!
I'll keep you posted as I progress - I think lifting weights must be addictive because since I started increasing the weight I've become a bit obsessed! I never felt like this about running on the treadmill or doing classes!

Running-a Best Exercise For Every One

There are so many exercises to be fit and fine but i find running the best one because of its various health benefits and also because it's free of cost.Here are some of it's health benefits.

One of the most popular benefits of running is to reduce or manage weight. It burns more calories per minute, than any other form of cardiovascular exercise. Research proves the fact that running burns an average of 100 calories per each mile.

Regular running raises HDL (good) cholesterol, reduces the risk of blood clots and encourages use of the 50% of your lungs that usually go unused.
Because running is such a good form of exercise boosting your cardio vascular and respiratory systems, this improves your body's ability to fight off coughs, colds and viruses. Whilst it won't make you immune to them you will find that you suffer less and recover more quiRunning -- like other types of exercise -- is a great stress-reliever and may even relieve mild depression. Many runners enjoy reaching the "runner's high" -- that euphoric, clear, and calm state they feel after a long run.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Overweight young women could die young

Young women who are overweight at the age of 18 have a higher risk of dying young, but medication and behavior therapy can help young people lose weight, US researchers reported on Monday.
A study of 102,400 female nurses showed that women who were overweight or obese when 18 drank more alcohol, smoked more and were less likely to exercise as teens - and were also more likely to die between the ages of 36 and 56.
The more a women weighed at 18, the greater her risk of dying young, the researchers reported in Monday's issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Women who were moderately overweight at 18 were more than 50 per cent more likely to die in the 12 years of follow-up, and obese women were more than twice as likely to die, as the slimmest 18-year-olds.
"This paper underscores the importance of efforts to prevent excessive weight gain in children, not only to prevent obesity but also to prevent moderate overweight (people)," said Frank Hu of the Harvard School of Public Health, who worked on the study.
The women died of various causes - 258 died of cancer, 55 of heart disease or stroke and 61 committed suicide.
Even women who had never smoked were more likely to die if they remembered being overweight as 18-year-olds, the researchers found.
However, a second study found it is possible to help youngsters lose weight using behaviour therapy and the prescription drug sibutramine.
Dr Robert Berkowitz of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and colleagues tested 498 obese youngsters aged 12 to 16.
Those given sibutramine, marketed by Abbott Laboratories as Meridia, lost more weight, the researchers reported in a second paper in Annals.
On average, the children who got the drug plus behavior therapy lost 8.2kg more compared to children who received behavioural therapy alone. On average, adolescents in the study who took a sugar pill gained 1.8 kg over the year.
The teens who got the drug also ended up with healthier levels of cholesterol and blood sugar, according to the study, paid for by Abbott. There was a side-effect, however - tachycardia, or rapid heartbeat.
"At the end of a year of treatment, one third of the adolescents who received medication were no longer severely overweight, and out of six who were treated dropped below the standard definition of being overweight," Berkowitz said in a statement.
In March, a US Food and Drug Administration staff report recommended against approving Meridia for use in children because there was so little information about its safety.

How To Whiten Your Nails Naturally?

1. Use a common whitening toothpaste. Try scrubbing your nails with Pearl Drops, it's just as easy as achieving a pearly white smile and will take away any stains and shine up your nails.

2. Soak your nails in water with lemon juice or lemon slices. The lemon acts as an astringent and will strip away stains. Once your hands are dry, you'll only need to put on a couple of coats of a clear topcoat